Prorogation is done by sexual and asexual methods. Main method is asexual propagation is done by cuttings and layering. They use these methods to multiply higher demanding plant varieties. Vegetative Propagation is mainly done by cuttings. Plants like Durantha repens, Ixora , Excoecuria cochinchinensis, Cordyline terminals, Acalypha can be easily propagated by cuttings. In Ixora spp , Durantha and Excoecaria soft wood or semi hardwood cuttings are used to propagation. The lower end of the cutting is treated with rooting hormone powder like “Seradix” or “Root-on” then planted on a soil and coir dust media.
Soft wood, semi hard wood and hard wood cuttings are used to propagate “Cordyline terminalis”. The cordyline cuttings which are in same growth stage should be planted in a medium size pot, as three cuttings per pot. Before planting treat with root hormone will be more effective.
For the propagation of Pihimbia hormone treated soft wood cuttings are used. All cuttings are planted on a large pot. Then the whole container should be covered with transparent polythene, before cover it the media should treated with a fungicide.
Propagation Continued…..
Air layering methods also rarely practiced at nursery for varieties like Ficus benjamina, Christina and Nerium oleander. Inducing of rooting can be done while shoots are attached to the mother plant.
A healthy shoot should be selected and 2.5 cm long ring of the bark should be removed leaving 1/3 if bark on the stem. Then the rooting hormone is applied to the area which we need to induce the roots. Then sufficient amount of moist coir dust should be covered on that cutting polythene without shaking, either sides of polythene are tied with a thread.
After about 21 days polythene can be removed and separated rooted shoot can be planted in a new pot.
For the Ribbon plants, Rhoeo and Aglonema varieties suckers are used as the vegetative propagation materials.

Re-potting should be done to ensure the continuous growth of the ornamental plants. Growing plants, weak and badly maintained plants are re-potted. First should remove the plant with root ball from old pot by turning it upside down and shaking. Then excess soil colloids should be removed and weak branches are pruned before planting it on the media.
For all types of palm varieties, Excoecaria, Discicotia, Christina and Acalypha spp, Baur 18 can be applied. For all types of flowering plants including Ixora spp, Hamilia patens Baur 14 is recommended. Then for all flowering plants and Cypress, Codiaum including small foxtail plants liquid fertilizers like Alert solution, Krista can be applied.

Watering should be done frequently at dry Seasons. However ornamental plants like Excoecaria cochinchinensis, Dicicotia, Christina and Bogainvillia spp need two times of watering per day. Palm varieties and other varieties need at least one time per day. Watering is done irrigation systems or Rubber hose with 4 inches of diameter. About 5000L of water is required per day.